Cookie policy

Last Updated: March 2024.

Slice Mobile Cookies Policy

This cookies policy (“Policy”) describes Slice Mobile’s collection, use, and retention of the cookies present on the website.

What are cookies and why do we use them?

Cookies are simple text files that help coordinate Slice Mobile’s website servers and your browser to display the full range of features offered by Slice Mobile.

Cookies help us make your browsing experience better, and help us understand how you use the site. They can be used to remember your preferences and provide personalisation, help us improve website design, functionality and help prevent fraudulent activity.

The cookies we use and purpose

We use several categories of cookies listed below.

  • Essential cookies - such cookies cannot be turned off as they are essential to letting you browse the website and for the desired user experience.
  • Performance cookies - these collect information on how you use the site and help us operate and maintain the website. They may include analytics to help us understand what we can do better. Some are managed by third parties, in order for us to do the following:
    • Test different designs and features
    • Track any errors
    • Provide analytics on what the site is being used for
    • Remember if you have provided feedback already
    • Make the site more relevant to you
  • Targeting cookies - these are also known as advertising cookies, they can help us create a profile of your interests and preferences to allow us to contact you with relevant information.

We may access additional information from external sources to understand how effective our communications are to our customers and site users. Some cookies are managed by third parties for us to do the following:

  • Share with our marketing agencies to be able to present relevant adverts and content with you
  • Help us understand how effective our marketing activities are
  • Connect with social networks to target content to you on other digital platforms
  • Understand our audience by adding more data so that we can be relevant
  • Find potential customers who may be similar to you and provide relevant content to them

Third party cookies

Some of our third party partners may use cookies to deliver services for us, to provide content or to help measure the effectiveness of our communications and features. There are session and persistent cookies that last for different periods of time. We do not control how they use their cookies, so we suggest you check their website to see how they are using them or block the cookies via our “cookie settings” button.

We set cookies in line with your preferences, and if you change your settings, we may continue to use the data collected and derived from the time that you consented to cookie placement.

If you visit another website that the third parties have placed cookies on, they may read the cookies placed on your device. Browser cookies can be managed through your browser settings.

Customer control and consent

The cookie consent banner on our website allows you to accept, decline and manage preferences. You can, at any time, make changes to how Slice Mobile deals with the cookies present in this website.

As cookies are stored in the web browser used to access the website, you can change the settings pertaining to that browser in particular. Below are some of most popular browsers and corresponding links to the vendors’ guidance on disabling cookies:

In addition, Google Analytics gives you the option to install an opt-out browser add-on for Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera:

Data retention and privacy policy

You can obtain a copy of our Data Retention Policy by contacting our customer service team at [email protected].

The Privacy Policy outlines our approach to looking after your data.

Security policy

Our Security Policy can be found here.

Changes to our cookies policy

We may change our cookies policy from time to time to be in compliance with current data protection legislation. However, we will not reduce your rights under this cookies policy. We will always update this cookie policy on our website, so please try to read it when you visit our website (the ‘last updated’ reference tells you when we last updated it).

Who we are and how to contact us

Our cookie policy applies to all websites offered by Slice Mobile. Slice Mobile UK Limited is a company incorporated in England with company registration number 15514293 and whose registered address is 11 Slingsby Pl, London, WC2E 9AB and we started operations in 2024.

You can contact us at [email protected]

Further information

Several websites explain how cookies work, offering more detail, such as and (Slice Mobile has no affiliation with these websites). If you would like to contact Slice Mobile with regard to the use of cookies on our website, please email [email protected]